Wednesday, December 28, 2011
More Oma and Opa Time
On Monday the boys got some more Oma and Opa time. Along with Josiah they all went to see the Muppets movie. Both boys gave it good reviews and thought it was very funny. On Tuesday they came over and we went to the mall to play. After some lunch Oma and Opa took the big boys bowling on the Academy. They both had a fun time an then they drove around seeing where I grew up. They ended up at the Field House and actually got to see the Air Force hockey team practice - very fun. On the way home I guess they had a pretty cute conversation. They were talking about when they grow up how they want to play football at the Academy and how they could be on the same team. Oma and Opa said they would go to their games and watch them play. Carter responded "I have some bad news guys, I got some bad news. You guys are kinda old so you will probably die and then you can't watch us". That night Oma and Opa came over again so that Justin and I could go out for his birthday. They had pizza, did some fun crafts, played games and just had a great night. We will all miss them and can't wait to see them in April!
Favorite Things
A couple favorite things - Nolan is loving to give hugs. He comes up and gives me hugs multiple times a day. When he hugs he makes a little "mmm" sound and pats my back. He has also started giving Olivia hugs and it is SO sweet.
On Christmas Eve we had pigs in a blanket for part of our appetizer dinner. Carter called them "Baby Jesus in a blanket".
On Christmas Eve we had pigs in a blanket for part of our appetizer dinner. Carter called them "Baby Jesus in a blanket".
Big Mess
This is what happens when the 16 month old can get into the fridge and get his own yogurt while his mommy is feeding the little sister. This is also why we now have refrigerator locks.
Luckily he is really cute
On Christmas Eve Oma and Opa came over and then we all headed to church for the Christmas Eve service. The big boys joined us for the service and they did pretty well. One baby was getting baptized and when they asked the congregation if we would help teach the baby about the Lord and if so say we do, Carter very loudly said "we do". He also answered the Pastor's question to "are we alone or with God" with "with God". We came home to have some appetizers and watch Polar Express. On Christmas morning, the boys woke up at 5:15, but we made them hold off until about 8:30 when Oma and Opa made it over. We had some cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then opened gifts. Like usual everyone was given way to much. The rest of the day was spent with the boys doing legos and finishing up with a nice Christmas dinner. It was a very nice Christmas day.
Week with Oma and Opa
We had a good week leading up to Christmas. On Monday we didn't do much to make sure everyone was feeling ok. Tuesday brought swimming lessons for both boys and Opa came over to watch Nolan and Olivia for me. Olivia got overtired though and was pretty cranky for Opa. That night both Oma and Opa came over for dinner. Wednesday, Justin was off so we had a nice family day and I got a much needed Girls Night and we also got snow! So on Thursday the boys played in the snow and we had a cozy day at home. Friday Oma came over and watched Nolan and Livi during swimming lessons and then we ran some errands. On Friday night we had a babysitter come over and we had a very nice adult dinner with my parents and siblings at Craftwood Inn. We try to do this every year when we are all together and it is always a fantastic time. I was taken back this week at how blessed we are and what a great family I have.
Christmas with the Cousins
Oma and Opa got her on Saturday afternoon and came over to say hello. Unfortunately Carter got sick the morning so we ate some pizza quick and then they headed to their hotel. On Sunday we were suppose to go over to Todd and Jessie's house to see both Uncle Todd, Uncle BJ and all of their families along with Oma and Opa. Nolan got sick in the middle of the night however so we weren't sure what to do. In the end all the kids seemed to be acting fine so we headed over praying no one else would get sick. We had a great time. All the cousins played well together, the adults got to play some password, we ate a lot, the kids made gingerbread houses and we opened gifts. It was a great time and I know a lot of great memories were made. And no one got sick while we were there (Tyler got sick Sunday night).
Christmas Program
Saturday, December 10, 2011
We have started Livi n cereal. First we did the rice cereal, then oatmeal (and I accidentally gave her oatmeal with bananas, but no issues so all is good) and then barley. She likes the oatmeal the best. However she still spits most of it out. I am not sure if this is because she just isn't quite ready for it yet or if its because I am not that consistent with her about it. I am still trying to figure out the best time to feed her everyday with all the running around we do. She has adapted to her 4 hour bottle schedule quite well at least and is getting 6 oz of formula at every feeding. Hopefully we can get into a routine soon and she can start eating solids more regularly.
4 Month Check-Up
Olivia had her 4 month check up on Wednesday. She is weighing in at 13 lbs 11 oz and is 25 inches tall. That puts her right at 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. Developmentally she is doing great as well, and is a little advanced in some areas. She does have a little labia adhesion that we need to put some medicine on to fix, but not a big deal and should be cleared up in a week or so. She had to get three shots, and just like last time did not like them at all. By the time we were home though she was just fine. We also got the go ahead to start cereal and I am going to start putting her on a four eating schedule instead of the three hour one she is ow. So thankful to have a healthy baby girl!
Friday, December 9, 2011
4 months
On Sunday, Olivia turned 4 months old. It is going by so fast. She is still a super easy baby and loves to smile and laugh. And boy does she talk. I always thought my boys were pretty vocal at this point, but mane she is hardly ever quiet. She has also learned to blow raspberries. Always a fun thing. She also has no qualms to let you know when she wants some attention. If you haven't held her for a while or left her in the swing for too long she will start squealing out. I guess she already know that if you are 1 of 4 kids you have to make yourself heard. She now sleeps unswaddled as she rolls onto her tummy as soon as you put her on her back. However she loses her pacifier or starts playing around some so its a little harder for her to fall asleep now. If we wait to long and she gets overtired she really has a hard time. Its really the only time she gets fussy though so I can't complain. She loves her big brothers, always smiling when they come by. She has started grabbing and holding toys and is pretty good at pulling her plug out of her mouth. She is working on getting it back in. Olivia is also more sensitive than the boys were. She doesn't like it if someone speaks to loud around her or if she gets knocked in the head by something (the boys wold usually giggle if this happened). So fun to watch her grow and see how already she has a little personality that's completely different than we are used to.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Nolan and Livi
Everyday Nolan gets more and more interested in Olivia. He will come over to her swing and talk to her and try to give her her plug. He also seems to know which ones are hers and which ones are his, as he will bring me her pacifiers when he finds them on the floor. I had them both in my lap the other day and Nolan would just bend over and get right in her face and talk to her. When she is on her mat playing, he will come over and play next to her. It was very cute. He also pets he hair. Of course he has also hit her a couple of times trying to give her high fives and has stepped on her a few times. I can't wait to watch their relationship grow over the years.
Daddy Weekend
Last weekend I went on a Moms Weekend Away with my Mops group. It was a wonderful weekend where I made a lot of new friends, had friendships grow, and laughed a lot. Justin was home by himself with all 4 kids. I was never really worried and didn't need to be, he did great. They took quite a few trips to stores, wrestled around, and even made me a chocolate cake for when I got home. The boys said they had fun with just daddy time and I am glad they got to spend a weekend with just him. It so nice that I have a husband that encourages me to get away and have a break when he works so hard himself. I love you Justin.
Outside Time
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