Saturday, December 10, 2011

4 Month Check-Up

Olivia had her 4 month check up on Wednesday. She is weighing in at 13 lbs 11 oz and is 25 inches tall. That puts her right at 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height.  Developmentally she is doing great as well, and is a little advanced in some areas. She does have a little labia adhesion that we need to put some medicine on to fix, but not a big deal and should be cleared up in a week or so. She had to get three shots, and just like last time did not like them at all.  By the time we were home though she was just fine. We also got the go ahead to start cereal and I am going to start putting her on a four eating schedule instead of the three hour one she is ow. So thankful to have a healthy baby girl!

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