Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Program

Carter had a Christmas program for his class along with a party. It was also pajama day, so he was super excited to wear his pj's to school. I was excited that I didn't have to fight with him to wear something nice for his program. He was very excited to have Nolan in his class and had Nolan sit with him while his teacher read a story. Then the class sang a couple songs and gave the parents the gifts they made. Carter made Justin and I an ornament. Then they gave their gifts to baby Jesus, which will be donated to a pregnancy center and finally it was time to decorate cookies and do some crafts. It was a very nice party and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. However I must say its was a little difficult to be present and involved with what Carter was doing, watch Nolan from destroying the classroom, watch Olivia (who mostly stayed in her car seat) and socialize with parents all at the same time. I told Justin he would be joining me from now on to these things.

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