Wednesday, September 19, 2012

First Weeks of School

So the boys have been in school for a few weeks now and its been a bit of a roller coaster. Tyler seems to love his class and doing great, but he is starting not to enjoy doing homework every night. Carter loved his first day, but he is having a harder time adjusting. He says he is just playing, but he has pushed kids a couple of times and doesn't always remember to raise his hand or to sit quietly. You would think he didn't have two years of preschool. My biggest fear is that kids won't want to play with him because of his behavior, and unless everyone is his friend Carter would tell you he doesn't have any (although every day he tells me who he plays with). We are working his his teacher and hoping this adjustment period will be over soon. On the other side of it, he loves learning and wants to do his homework every night and is picking things up very quickly. This parenting thing can be tough, but I know we have two great boys who will be doing great things with their lives.

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