Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Potty Training Fail

Nolan wants to be potty trained. He loves to sit on his potty, he tells me before he does a number 2, and right after his diaper gets wet he wants to be changed. I don't want to potty train him though, I just really don't have the time to devote to it Plus the fact that we don't have any consecutive days in a row that we are home, its just not appealing to me at all.  However the pediatrician told me if I don't start now, it could make it harder later. So we got him the underwear, the potty seat, and the m&m's. He was very excited, but never got the hang of it. He would sit down, tell me he was done, just to stand up and pee on the floor. So after a day I put him back in diapers. I tried one more time a couple days later, just letting him run around with nothing on, and once again he just didn't get it. I think  for a day about once a month  we will try and if during the day something clicks and he gets it we will keep going, but from past experience I know how trying of a time this can be so I am fine if it takes him a bit.  If nothing else he got a really funny picture of him swinging from the trampoline with nothing on (not really suitable for the internet though).

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