Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hap Birt Day

Carter is so excited about his birthday. Yesterday we went to Micahel's to get his Elmo cake pan for his birthday cake. When we got home he had the biggest fit because he couldn't have his birthday now! When he wakes up in the morning he always ask if its his "Birt Day". When we tell him not yet crying ensues.

He walks around the house singing "Hap Birt Day, Hap Birt Day". If you ask him about his birthday he immediately says "Elmo!" I hope he doesn't think he gets to see Elmo or anything. We have a Sesame Street book about Oscar the Grouch's birthday. Carter brought it to Justin to read, but he calls it "Hap Birt Day Bernie". Bernie is Bert and Ernie - he thinks they are one. Luckily we only have a few days left til he turns 2.

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