Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Two Year Check-Up

Carter had his two year check-up today. The doctor deemed him "perfect". Can't get much better than that. She was very impressed with his language skills. At two they are hoping for 50 words and 50% clarity - he is way beyond that. She asked how he was doing discipline wise and gave a laugh when I told her he was my stubborn one. She then guessed that he came out of bed a lot - and she was right. At least its just a normal phase. After looking him over she gave me his stats and he got a flu shot. He cried a little bit, but then was happy for his sticker. Tyler did pretty well during the appointment, but he did hit Carter at one point. He took his time out nicely in the room. All in all a good appointment. Here are Carter's stats:

Weight - 26 pounds 11 oz, 40th percentile

Height - 34 inches, 50th percentile

Head Circumference - 49 centimeters, 50th percentile

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