Monday, February 8, 2010

First Field Trip

This is a catch-up post since it almost happened two weeks ago at this point. Anyway Tyler had his first field trip with his preschool class and I got to be a helper! I was so excited to get to go with him. Even better was that they let Carter come along as well. The field trip was a walking field trip to Old Chicago's. The kids each had their own dough and then got to put on the sauce, cheese, and pepperoni. They then cooked them all and they got to eat the pizza they made. The kids had a wonderful time, although Tyler was upset after school that he didn't get to be in his classroom very much. At least I know he loves school. Carter also had a fun time being one of the big kids, and like usual he fit in just fine. I had a blast seeing Tyler interact with his friends at school and getting to be the parent volunteer. They have another field trip coming up in a few weeks and I think I am more excited than Tyler!

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