Monday, September 27, 2010

The Aspens that Weren't

Yesterday we had planned to take a drive and go see all the aspens changing color. We decided to take a different route this year and because of the location and a fire that happened 10 years ago we really didn't even see one single aspen tree. However we still had a great time. The boys napped for well over an hour on the way up. Right as they woke up it was time to feed Nolan so we pulled over and the boys got to take walk around the river, climb on rocks, and explore some. From there we drove on and happened to drive by Woodbine Ranch, the camp Justin worked at one summer in college. Justin jumped at and walked around some. He found some people who told us that the camp is now an ecological center but we are welcome to walk around. So we "hiked" according to the boys, all around the property and I finally got to see with my eyes all the places I have heard about from stories for the past 10 years. The boys thought it was really cool that daddy made some the stairs that we walked on! At the fire pit we talked about how the kids would sing songs around the fire. Tyler asked what kind of songs and we told him they were songs about a very important person. Tyler's answer was "that would be Jesus!".  He was right of course. We got back in the car and headed home for a quick bath before going to Heather's house or game night. It was a great family day, even if we didn't see any aspens.

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