Saturday, November 6, 2010

Check Ups

Tyler and Carter both had their annual check ups yesterday. I think in the future I will have them on different days as trying to fill out all the paperwork and their developmental questionnaires for both of them at the same time was a little crazy. I was filling out Carter's while talking to the doctor about Tyler.

Tyler weighs in at 35 lbs, which is the 10th percentile. He is now 42 inches tall, which is the 40th percentile and has a bmi in the 5th percentile. He went down in percentile but since he at least gained so the doctor wasn't worried. Tyler is still behind in gross motor skills, but at this point we are not going to worry about it. He can't skip yet, hop on one leg for both legs (he can do one the right leg), and doesn't always catch a ball.  However, since we held him back a year from kindergarten most likely he will be at the same level as all the other kids in his class anyway. He passed his hearing test 100% which was music to my ears as well. The only concern was his circumcision. She wants to refer us to an urologist and he may have to have the top part of it redone. I guess a lot of the skin grew back.

Carter also weighs in right at 35 lbs, which is the 50th percentile for his age. He is 39 and 3/4 inches and had a bmi in the 50th percentile. I was very happy to see that go down from the 85 percentile last year. He also passed his hearing test 100%. There were no issues for Carter at all except that he has dry skin and that he had to get shots. I was relieved that it was Carter getting the shots and not Tyler as Tyler was acting afraid of them all morning. Carter was just fine with getting them, until he got them. Then the screaming started and the "I am never going to do this again!". The nurse found that quite humorous. He continued the shot drama all the way up til bedtime where he declared he couldn't walk because of his shots and crawled every where, crying the entire time. With the drama this one creates, maybe I don't need a little girl after all.

Overall I am so happy that we are blessed with such healthy boys!

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