Sunday, November 14, 2010

Three Months!

On Friday Nolan you turned three months! It was a month full of firsts for you from your first laugh, to your first ambulance ride and hospital stay to your first flight on the plane. You are such a happy baby, always smiling and talking to us. You love just to lay on the floor and look around. Your biggest source of entertainment is you brothers who can make you laugh better than anyone else. You have started grabbing toys and you have found our hands and love to suck on them. When you put your hands together your brothers like to say you are praying.

Nolan you are sleeping well again! You usually fall asleep for the night around 8:30 and don't wake up again for a feeding until 6:30. You will however wake up once or twice to be re-swaddled or for you plug. We also try to dream feed you around 10:30 every night, but you usually don't eat much.  We still feed you about every 3 hours or so  and you will take anywhere from 3 to 5 ounces. While you don't like having to take your Zantac for you reflux it has helped a lot and you are not nearly as fussy. We love watching you grow Nolan and your smiles still take my breath away at how wonderful they are. We can't wait to see you even get bigger and your personality come out more!


Em said...

I have to ask, how do you get Nolan to take his Zantac. Marley HATES it and spits most of it out. It's a horrible battle.

Meredith said...

Well its a battle with him as well, but I have found if I put it inside his cheek he is less likely to spit it out. Also I have his bottle ready so I can put that in his mouth right after the zantac so he will take it with some of his milk. Its not fun at all. Carter was on prevacid and it wasn't nearly as bad as the zantac is.

Em said...

We are going to see if adding a flavor to the Zantac helps. Unfortuantely, I can't do that until Thursday because the insurance won't pay for a new prescription before then. I'll let you know if it makes a difference.

We have tried a special medicine pacifier, giving her a little medicine at a time, giving her all at once, putting it at the back of her mouth, putting it in her cheek, blowing in her face, etc. I don't even know how much she is getting.

What dose is Nolan on?

Meredith said...

He is on 1 ML two times a day - how about Marley?

Em said...

Our regular doctor had her on 2.5 ML twice daily, but the specialist put her on .65 ML three times daily. It's hard to remember to give it to her in the middle of the day, though.