Sunday, November 21, 2010

This and That

Just some happenings around the Pederson house lately:
  • Carter is taking swimming lessons again. For the third time he is taking Pro I (the lowest level) because before he wouldn't put his face in the water for more than 5 seconds. After his second class his teacher told us he is doing great and should be in Pro II next time - finally!! Unfortunately the place were we take their lessons will be closing in January because of city budget cuts - oh well.
  • Nolan went on yet another feeding strike where he would only eat 2 ounces a bottle and would happily go 5-6 hours between feeding. We went back to the doctor and they put him on Prevacid. I am hoping this works, because with less eating comes not sleeping as long at night.
  • Both Tyler and Carter had their dental appointments last week and both did great. They have great teeth with no cavities - always good news!
  • I have been meaning to give an update on the bunk beds. Tyler still will not sleep on the top bunk. However, they are now happily sharing the bottom bunk and they go to bed and stay in bed just fine. I think this has more to do with the fact that they no longer take naps than anything else. 
  • I have started the process of looking into Kindergartens for Tyler next fall. It makes me very sad to do this - I can't believe he is already so big.
  • Nolan now plays in his exersaucer. He doesn't like to be in it longer than 10 minutes or so but he is happy in it why I make breakfast or dinner. 
  • We cleaned out the downstairs family room of all Tyler and Carter's little toys and put them in their bedroom. So far I must say they are doing a very good job of cleaning up and keeping it pretty neat. They are also doing a good job of keeping the little toys out of the rooms that Nolan is in (I am trying to train them early before it comes an issue). Now the family room is filled with baby toys. So far Tyler and Carter are enjoying all the "new" toys.  
  • The boys went out and used some of their chore money to buy toys for kids who don't have any. We then dropped the toys off at a toy drive. I am hoping by them using their own money and picking out the gift themselves they will get the purpose of it a little more. They also got to use some money to buy themselves a toy as well. The rest of it will be going into savings. I must say they both have collected a pretty nice amount.
  • Between the boys school, church, wrestling, swimming, going to the doctor for Nolan, and everything else I feel like we are constantly going somewhere. Hopefully over Thanksgiving break we will have more time to do some fun things and more things for me to blog about!

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