Friday, December 10, 2010

Breakfast in Bethleham

Our church had a program called Breakfast in Bethlehem. All families were invited to come for a pancake breakfast and then watch a Christmas play. When we got there all the kids got a bag of goodies. Inside each bag were crafts for the kids to do and props that they would use for the play. Carter was somewhat cranky at first, but once he got over that both boys loved making their crafts and eating their pancakes. They also saw some friends from their classes at school so that was fun as well. One of Tyler's friends actually insisted on sitting by him during the play.
During the play the boys used their sheep puppets they made to be the sheep for the shepherds, the had angel halos for when the angels came,. crowns for the three kings and then had flashlight to show the kings how to get to baby Jesus. It was very fun and I hope they do it again next year - it would be a great tradition!

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