Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Program

On Thursday the boys had their Christmas program at school. They were at the same time in different rooms so Justin and I had to split up. Justin went to Tyler's with the still camera and took some video with that and I went to Carter's with the video camera so I don't have as many pictures of him. I am told Tyler did very well and he told me he had a lot of fun. After the program he gave Justin his gift, which was and angel made out of his foot and hand prints and some ornaments he made. Carter did very well also, but when it was time to sing his bell was stuck so he was more concerned about that than actually singing. He then gave me his gift, which was a ornament with his picture in it - very cute. I was very excited to see their programs as the boys wouldn't tell me what they had made or what they would sing as it was a secret. Both boys then sang happy birthday to Jesus with their class and had some birthday cake, along with lots of other good food. We are now on Christmas break until January 6th and everyday the boys ask me if they can go back to school yet.

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