Sunday, December 14, 2008

Man I Miss This....

Today during nap, Carter woke up crying. I think he fell out of Tyler's bed. Thinking he was up for the rest of the day I brought him downstairs with me. He happily cuddled with me and then fell asleep on me for well over an hour (this was after an hour already in Tyler's bed). I don't think one of the boys have fallen asleep on me since they were newborns. I so enjoyed it!

It seems every other day Carter ends up in Tyler's bed with him. He used to move him back to his own bed, but decided we would just let them stay together. Why fight something that is so cute. And yes they are in matching pajamas. It's the only time Justin is ok with them matching.

1 comment:

Kaci said...

That is so sweet! I miss those moments too!