Monday, December 1, 2008

More Snow

On Sunday morning it started snowing and didn't end til late Sunday night. By 4 in the afternoon we already had a good 9 inches! The boys had a blast helping us shovel the driveway. I am hoping Carter finally learned not to take his mittens off. He kept taking them off and then start crying because his hands were cold. When we went inside we was then screaming in pain because they hurt so much thawing out. We talked about why they hurt a lot so I am hoping he made the connection. To help everyone warm up they boys all got some hot cocoa - always a special treat.

Because of all the snow both Justin and I stayed home today. We took the opportunity to take the boys to the doctor. I wanted to make sure Tyler's strep was clearing up and they both have had some bad coughs for a few days. They only have colds, as their lungs and ears all sound good. Hopefully in a few days they will start feeling better. We are also going to put Carter on soy milk for a couple weeks to help his tummy feel better. We then went grocery shopping, took some naps (very short ones) and played games. All in all a very nice family day!

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