Saturday, December 27, 2008

Cousins and the Zoo

On Thursday everyone spent the night, so it was once a again a fun, full house when we woke up Friday morning. All the kids played and then Tyler and Carter took great naps. Justin went with Todd, BJ, and my dad to the Pentagon to see Todd's new office and the new memorials. They had a nice time and got home just as the naps were ending. After a nice pizza dinner Uncle Todd, Aunt Jessie, and their gang left, so Justin and I got some time to go out and see a movie by ourselves. My mom had to sit in our bedroom for an hour before the boys feel asleep, but she says she doesn't mind.

On Saturday Oma, Opa, Toby, and our family went to the National Zoo. They all had a great time and behaved so well! When we got there we got to see an elephant get a bath and watch the hippos play. Then we got to watch the Orangutans climb on the O ring around the zoo. After a lunch were all the kids ate very well, we saw the sea lions play King of the Rock (Tyler will tell you at the sea lion says "NO! not on the rock!"), the lions, and a bunch of other animals. The three boys then got to pick out on gift from the gift shop thanks to Oma and Opa. Carter picked an elephant and Tyler a hippo - they no longer can sleep without their animals. All three boys were fast asleep by the time we got home.

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