Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Favorite Things

I am going to try to remember some of the sweet things the boys have been doing lately.

  • The boys are only suppose to have their plugs during bedtime and nap time. However Carter finds anyway possible to get his during the day. The sweet part - he always gets one down for Tyler as well and finds Tyler to give it to him, even if that means being caught by me.
  • The boys love giving raspberries to my tummy - they say they are tickling the baby.
  • The boys also love to kiss my tummy. The conversation from Tyler goes like this: "I am going to give my baby sister a kiss. Now Carter you give your baby brother a kiss." Tyler wants a sister and Carter wants a brother, Justin and I were relieved to see only one baby in there at the ultrasound.
  • Tyler still has his great imagination. He always tells me he "wants to be something". Then he tells me what he wants to be - a police car, a parrot, a bear, and then he acts it out of course
  • Tyler is also drawing other people into his imagination. The other night he was Dickens, I was Oma, and Justin was Opa. He went back and forth from Justin and I just cuddling with us.

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