Sunday, March 22, 2009

Show and Tell

On Friday it was Carter's turn to bring snacks and to bring an item in for show and tell to his class. He is with older kids on Fridays, about 6 months younger than all the other kids. However he keeps up with them great and has never had an issue in the class. Carter and I went to the store together where he picked out his snack (graham cracker bunnies, apple slices, and apple juice) and when we got home we told him to pick out a toy to bring. Carter doesn't really have a "favorite" toy. He pretty much plays with anything and everything. He also isn't attached to anything for bedtime or naps like Tyler is. Carter went and found Byron - his teddy bear that we took pictures of him with every month of his first year. He was very excited and held Byron in his lap the whole way to church. He then carried all around church. I am told he did a good job showing Byron off and letting everyone hold him. He is getting pretty grown up.

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