Monday, March 16, 2009

Favorite Things

Carter has been testing to the max lately (how may times do I need to say something before he will listen??), but both boys have also been very sweet lately.

*We decided to go to Old Chicago's for dinner the other night. Both boys LOVE pizza. However Carter was in a mood and said he didn't like pizza. Tyler goes over to him very nicely and says "Carter you like pizza so you just try some ok?" Carter responded that "I can't like pizza". Tyler very sweetly puts his hands on Carter's cheeks and says "You will like it. I like pizza and so will you ok?" Once we got to the restaurant Carter inhaled his pizza, as usual.

*I ended up working in Carter's room today. They were about to sit down for lunch when one of the teachers asked who wanted to pray. Carter said he would. He only got as far as "Thank you God", but it was very sweet regardless. I guess he asks to pray pretty frequently.

*We are about to go full force on potty training Carter next week, he has been doing very well the last couple days and as a reward he got some gummy bears - he calls them gummy gums.

*I don't think I have blogged about this - forgive me if I have. The boys haven't said it in a while and Tyler said it yesterday. Whenever the boys get something in their eyes they tell me "I have a waffle in my eye".

*On that same note. Carter loves Band-Aids or bam baids as he calls them. The tiniest little scratch and he needs one. Tyler on the other hand - terrified of band-aids.

*On the playground at church today the boys played together almost the entire time. If they weren't playing together they were running back and forth looking for each other. Life is good.

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