Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Things They Say

Here are just a few examples of the conversations going around our house these days:
  • Tyler is getting very ready for preschool. On our way into church today we saw a school bus. Tyler then informed me that "we still need to get my supplies for school right mommy? And I need to get my haircut. I also need to go to the doctors and make sure I am ok. I almost forgot about that one mommy."
  • The other night Justin was tucking the boys into bed. They were talking about them growing up and getting bigger. Tyler asked about his toys getting bigger with him. Justin explained that he would get new bigger as he got bigger. Like instead of his ride on car he would get a real car. Tyler then worried that "the toys would break the roof of the house".
  • This one really isn't a conversation, but cute nonetheless. Carter is doing great at home potty training but not wanting to go at church. I think it has more to do with stopping playing than anything else. The other day the finally convinced him to go if they brought his fairy dress up skirt to the bathroom with him. Today it was a car (at least he isn't always dressing up).
  • Along the dress up lines, Carter finds any of my shoes (although he seems to go for sandals the most) and he puts them on. Then he tells me he has his"dancing shoes" on.

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