How could it be four years? I can remember this time four years ago so well. Every minute of it is etched in my mind. How excited we were to finally meet you. How daddy cried the first time you were placed in his arms. How much I missed you if someone else was holding you. How so unaware we were of how our lives would be changed for the better forever.
And here we are four years later. And we are just as excited to see what this year will bring. Daddy now cries by laughing so hard at the things you say and I miss you while you are at school, real school! And once again we have no idea the blessing that will be given to us through you in the years to come.
This past year has been a whirlwind. You have taken us on adventure after adventure with the stories you come up with. We have rode on buses together all over town, gone to the zoo to feed the hippos and break up bear fights, fought fires to help save the house, and adopted a baby hippo Alli, all from our living room. Not that we don't leave the house. You love to go places, whether it be the actual zoo (still your favorite) to the mall, or even just to the store, you love to be on the go.
And when we are at home you would be happiest outside running. Go Go Go. That is what you do best. You love to go on walks, as long as you get to run on them. You love to play baseball, but running the bases is your favorite part. You love to play football as well, especially when we run to tackle.
And when we have a few moments of stillness in our house we will find you building away with your legos, lincoln logs, or any other toy you can find to make buildings, roads, and towns for all your cars and trucks. You still love to read as well. However recently reading has taken a different turn. You now love to read every letter in every word and are trying to sound the words out.
If you are reading we usually find you reading to your best friend, who is of course still Carter. Why yes you have your occasional fights when you each want the same toy, but for the most part you are two peas in a pod. More often than not you two are playing together. You are drawing him into your stories so he can play along. You help him do the puzzles when he gets stuck. And you are always looking out for him to make sure he is doing what he is suppose to be doing.
You are so helpful. Always willing to do your chores and even getting upset if we forget and do them ourselves. You are also offering to do Carter's for him whenever he doesn't (you have learned that it is nice to get Carter's earnings as well). You still love to help me around the house and help daddy around the yard.
I can't get over how grown up you are. When you bring home the work you have done at school I can't believe its yours (you are writing letters so neatly!). When I see the empathy you have for others, the generous heart you have and your inquisitive mind I am always taken aback. My little baby has grown into a wonderful young boy. I love you Tyler bug. Happy Birthday!
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