Friday, September 18, 2009


In preschool every month they work on a character trait from the Bible. They talk about it in class everyday and then have more in depth in Chapel once a week. This month is kindness. When I ask Tyler about it he doesn't go into to much detail, but I am already seeing the fruits of it. The mornings can always be a little hectic. The boys usually do pretty well but I always have to ask a couple of times to really get them moving. The boys were up way early this morning, which usually means a disaster of the rest of the morning. However I would ask Tyler to get dressed and he went and got dressed. I reminded him to come upstairs to brush his teeth and up he came. I told him we couldn't finish his puzzle until after school and all I got was an "ok mommy". Wonderful morning. He has also been reminding Justin and I to say sorry when we raise our voice or when Justin says "bad words" when watching football. The boys think God Bless America is a bad word. He also reminded me today to adjust my attitude. Tyler still has his moments of bad attitudes, going crazy where he can't control himself, and other acts of disobedience, but must say he is having a great week over all. Life is good.

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