Thursday, October 22, 2009

Let's Celebrate!

On Tuesday Justin took the day off so we could have a family day to celebrate Carter's birthday. Carter decided he wanted to go to the zoo. It was actually perfect weather and not very busy at all. The boys practically got to run ahead of us the entire time and had a blast. They off course got to feed the giraffes and see all the other animals. The carousel and train weren't open today, but the boys still had fun.

After some naps at home the boys had swimming lessons. They are in the same class this time, which they were very excited about. Carter, being the daredevil that he is, got over to the deeper ends a few times and would fall into the water where his teacher had to help him up. He didn't really like that but seemed to have fun otherwise. He already has putting his ears into the water like a pro. We were surprised that Tyler didn't correct every one of Carter's move, but I think that is because he was having to much fun himself.

After swimming we headed over to Red Robin where Heather, Leah, and Marj met up with us. Carter loved that the "bird" was there and that they sang to him. They both were a little wound up and tired but made it thru so they could have some ice cream. Carter very nicely shared it with Tyler. After dinner we came back home with everyone and opened presents and ate the cake, a monkey, that Justin made. The boys played with the new toys some before bed. It was a great day!

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