Saturday, October 24, 2009

October 25, 2009

I wasn't even sure I was going to put up this post, but it an important day for our family so I want to document it. Sunday, October 25, 2009 would have been our third child's due date. Unfortunately instead it's just a day that will always be burned into my head. Over the past six months since we lost our angel we have been doing well, having more good days than bad, knowing it was all out of our hands. Tyler still talks about his baby sister (he always thought the baby was a girl) at least weekly. He tells us, teachers, friends, etc. that his sister is in Heaven with Jesus and Jesus will make him another sister one day. I am happy to see that it isn't necessarily a sad thing for them, but one more of fact and hope. While I do wish that I had a baby in my arms today, I know how blessed we are with the family we do have.


Em said...

Meredith, I have to share with you that today, before I even knew that it was actually the day, I was thinking of you and praying for you. I knew that your proposed due date was coming soon, and I was prompted to pray for you. I'm sure it's a difficult day for you, and I will continue to pray for you.

Leslie said...

I'm so sorry, Meredith. I can't imagine what you have gone through. I wanted to say something when I ran into you the other day, but I didn't know if I should. I'll be praying for you as you continue to heal from your loss. Let me know if I can be of any help. I'm looking forward to opportunities where we can get together with the kids.