Thursday, May 27, 2010

28 Weeks!

On Monday I had my ultrasound to check on the placenta. Luckily the placenta moved up on its own so there are no more issues! The tech also confirmed once again that he is still a boy and very active at that. His heart rate was 147 bpm and everything else still looked great. According to the ultrasound he is measuring a week ahead, but he is only in the 75th percentile, so still big but not as huge as we were fearing. We also learned that he is now breech so he flipped since the 24 week appointment. Once Tyler and Carter were down they stayed down, but we also know there is still plenty of time to flip again so it should be fine. It was very fun to watch him move around. He kept opening and closing his mouth and moving his little fingers and of course kicking me in the bladder! Tyler and Carter behaved awesome during the appointment and just colored during the whole time. They looked up a few times, but for the most part they sat quietly by themselves.

On Wednesday I had my 28 week appointment. I am finally gaining the weight like I did with my previous pregnancies. I gained 9 lbs since my last appointment! However since that is only 25 lbs total the doctor thinks its just fine and was actually happy to see it. I was somewhat as my morning sickness is coming back every once in awhile. Everything else looked good during the appointment and when I complained about my back pain she wrote me up orders for a massage once a week for the next three weeks - can't complain about that! I also did my one hour glucose test, which I passed, however I am a little anemic. From there I went to got the routine rhogram shot, which took way longer than it should. Four hours later I was finally home from my day of appointments. Luckily Justin and Nana and Bapa were home so I got to go to them all by myself.

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