Thursday, May 27, 2010

Doctor Updates

Both boys have been to the dentist and the eye doctor in the past few weeks, so I thought I would give an update. They did great at the dentist. Once again no cavities. Tyler got his fluoride and there were no other issues. Their favorite part of course was getting the new toothbrushes and toothpaste.

I was a little worried about the eye doctor appointment, but the boys did just great. We figured we needed a baseline for both boys to see how their eyes are doing, since Justin has such bad eyes. They did everything the doctor asked and did it all without any complaints. Both of them are a little (very little) nearsighted, which "normal" kids are farsighted so it looks like at some point they will be nearsighted in the future. The doctor says it usually shows up around age 8. Justin was in glasses at age 6. He actually said seeing is a learned thing, just like talking or walking is, and Carter sees things better than most 3 year olds. Tyler is right where he should be as well. There is no color blindness, no cataracts, and both eyes are balanced. So everything looks good and we can trust any school or regular pediatrician eye test now knowing that their eyes have no major problems.

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