Friday, July 23, 2010

Resolution - hopefully???

We have been dealing with Tyler and his intense emotions for what seems like years (and I know its been years because I blogged about them 2 years ago). He goes from being just fine and happy to very angry very quickly. He has improved a lot and has learned to use words, take breathes, etc, but it still creeps out from time to time. We notice this happens the most when big transitions are happening - such as when he started preschool last year. Luckily he showed these behaviors at home and not at school. We also notice that they happen when he doesn't get enough sleep, which naturally comes with transitions. Well we went to the doctor on Monday as he seemed to be getting to have the start of a cold and I wanted him better before Nolan arrived. We saw a new doctor in the practice and as soon as he looked at Tyler's face and in his nose he asked me if Tyler was an intense child. I said yes and he then asked me about his sleeping habits and if he was restless, if he snored, etc. He thinks Tyler has allergies and he probably doesn't sleep all that well at night. He suggested we put him on a nose allergy spray during at night to see if that helps him sleep better and then in turn helps his behavior. The doctor has two children of his own that are more intense and for one of his children they saw an improvement right away in being able to control his emotions. So Tyler has been on it for a few days now and so far he seems to be able to control himself a better. However the past few nights he has come up to our room in the middle of the night needing us to tuck him back in. So who knows if its really working. We are hoping that this may do the trick. I guess time will tell with all the other new transitions coming up and how he handles them.

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