Friday, July 23, 2010

36 week Appointment

I had my 36 week appointment yesterday. I was glad to have it as I caught a cold and wanted to see exactly what I could take to help me feel better. Once again everything was perfect with little Nolan. I gained two more pounds so I am up to 29 pounds total. Still well below both the other boys. I saw my doctor this time and we talked about the plan to deliver Nolan. I will be getting an ultrasound in 2 weeks to determine his size (although right now he is still measuring right on). If he is showing signs that he is really big - 9 plus pounds - they will probably induce right away. If not they will induce me at 39 weeks, which would be August 12th. He checked me as well and I am still only a centimeter and 50% effaced so no change from 2 weeks ago. Knowing my history however, that will mostly likely change in the next couple of weeks. We are very excited for him to get here!!

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