Saturday, November 5, 2011

3 Months!!!

On the 4th Little Livi, you turned 3 months. I can't believe how fast its going! You are getting so big right before  our eyes. You are still super easy and hardly ever fuss or cry. You are happy to take naps anywhere, but I know that wont last and need you to start sleeping in your crib now. You are now sleeping in your room you share with Nolan. Occasionally you wake up in the middle of the night and we bring you back to our room so you won't wake your brother, but you always just fall back asleep. You still go 11-7 every night and you drink 4-5 ounces every 3 hours or so. You love to talk all the time and so far daddy is the one who can always make you giggle the most. You are already starting to roll over! You roll from your tummy to your back no problem and are so close to rolling onto your tummy. You love to watch your brothers and always smile when they come near. You have started grabbing my hair when I feed you and you also love to hold onto a finger, which we don't mind at all. We love you Livi Joy and can't imagine our life without our little girl.

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