Sunday, November 13, 2011


We are trying our hand at swimming once again.  I got a good deal on private lessons for Tyler so we bought him 3. After those 3 lessons we already saw an improvement so we decided to bite the bullet and buy 10 lessons for both Tyler and Carter. Carter is doing great and can practically swim the length of the pool already. These aren't like normal swim lessons. They first teach how to survive n the water if a child fell n and then work on proper stroke and breathing technique. While Tyler is much more comfortable in the water than he used to be, he is still afraid to do much on his own. After the 10 lessons the owner thought they both should be farther along and gave us 2 more free lessons with her for free. So on their Christmas break they will be going four days in a row. Hopefully this will do the trick and we can enjoy some time in the pool in the spring.

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