Friday, November 25, 2011

Check ups

Well this happened almost a month ago at this point, but that's what happens when you have 4 kiddos. Tyler and Carter had their 5 and 6 year check-ups. Like usual they are both doing just great and seem very healthy. They weigh they exact same (Carter maybe be .2 lbs more) at right under 40 lbs. Tyler is measuring in at 46 inches and Carter at 43 inches.  Like at school,  Tyler failed his hearing test again. He goes in for another test next week and then we will go from there. The doctor is troubled because last time he was failing them it was his right ear and now its his left. There seems to be no fluid and he seems to hear fine (he is in the top reading group).   Both of their eye sights and blood pressure and bmi's are just perfect as well. The boys were happy to hear no more shots until they are 11and I am happy for healthy boys!

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