Monday, April 28, 2008

Check Up

Carter had his 18 month check-up today. Tyler did great during the appointment and Carter hardly cried at all during the shots. The doctor says that he is doing great! He is speaking at a 2 year old level and is right on track with everything else. She also said we should start seeing his belly get a little smaller! His stats are:

Height - 32 in, 5oth percentile
Weight - 24 lbs 10oz, 40th percentile
Head Circumference - 48 cm, 50th percentile

It is also my birthday today and it was a great day. As I opened my birthday cards this morning Carter told me Happy Birthday and Tyler sang Happy Birthday to me (with my help). Then Justin surprised me with babysitters and a wonderful dinner out. The boys did fantastic for the sitters, which just made my birthday that more great! Thanks Heather, Leah, and Marj!

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