Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Rough Patch

I lied. I said no more posts about potty training. Its been a rocky couple days on the potty training front. Sunday was a perfect day - not a single accident. Then came Monday. I had to cover someone at work, so I was more than a little anxious.

Tyler did the "I have to go potty, sit on the potty, not do anything, 5 minutes later I have to potty" thing many times at church. However he finally did go three times. He had one half accident. He had to poop and started going before we got to the potty, but he did finish in the potty at least. Justin was gone all night on Monday so I thought we would go to the mall for dinner and play. This was a mistake.

We get our food at the mall and I set it all out, making sure each boy has ketchup, the fruit is divided up, they have their milk, etc. I take a bite out of my sandwich to hear "I have to go potty". Great. So I pack up the food in the bag making sure nothing spills and we head to the women's bathroom. Tyler sits on the potty for a good 5-10 minutes and nothing. So back out to the food court. We eat for about 5 more minutes and Tyler says he is done and starts getting out of the chair. Then he is saying he has to go potty again and doing the dance. At this point I had eaten enough and Tyler said he was done so I put Carter in the stroller with the rest of his food and dumped the rest. Once again no potty in the bathroom. We then went on to look at the doggies and Tyler continues to act like he needs to go. I take him to the family restrooms in another part of the mall. After about 10 minutes of sitting there he finally goes. He was screaming bloody murder, but he went.

Now that we have that done and over with we head to the play area. Shoes and socks come off, Carter goes running and Tyler tells me he has to poop. I tell him he just went, so I am sure he is fine. Two minutes later he is saying "poop" and squatting. I pick him up, throw him in the stroller, grab Carter and head back to the bathrooms where I get to clean out underwear. Needless to say, we went home after that. Luckily looking back at this escapade I find it rather amusing.

Tuesday was somewhat better. He woke up and went right away. However he managed to cover me in pee so I put him back in his crib and jumped in the shower. Right before I turn on the water I hear him saying he has to poop. I go and check and he says he doesn't. Guess what was in his pants when I got out of the shower. So that one is totally my fault. We then play a little downstairs and he had yet another accident, but did finish up in the potty. We went to a friends house where he did great. However he wouldn't go potty again before his nap. After an hour he woke up, but still wouldn't go. When I went to go get him a little while later the sheets were wet. He then had another success, just to have another accident after dinner. However he did wake up around 10:30 and immediately went potty. He did the same thing this morning. However we also had to go to church this morning. 3 accidents later (and 1 success) and we are at home taking naps. Tomorrow we have church again and he won't be in my room. I am not even sure if he will tell the teacher he has to go. For now he is going in underwear and I am going to concentrate on him having all successes the rest of the night. He is making progress, he just is also taking some steps back. Hopefully this rough patch will be short.

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