Tuesday, April 15, 2008


It has been an overall frustrating day. Tyler has been frustrated over little things (like Carter getting to close to his truck), I have been frustrated at Tyler (for getting frustrated over little things and for overall not listening today), I have been frustrated at Carter (for asking for milk and then when I give him milk having a meltdown for example), but mostly I have been frustrated at myself.

It seems the minute the boys woke up they were already wearing on my patience. Yes Tyler is 2, so he is acting like a 2 year and not listening. I should be used to this. Its my job to teach and guide him thru this time. However today it seems that I just don't have the patience for it. If I have to ask Tyler more than once I am getting upset. And that frustrates me. I am the Mom. I need to have the patience even when I don't. I don't know who apologized more today. Tyler apologizing every time he came out of time out today or myself apologizing to Tyler for overreacting.

I did try to enjoy our beautiful day today. We went to the park. Only to have to leave after 30 minutes because Tyler wasn't listening. He also didn't want to go potty at the park and chose to come home instead of going potty and then getting to play again. We then got to eat lunch outside, which the boys seemed to enjoy, but wouldn't stay seated and also wouldn't eat. Frustrating.

One funny moment - A phrase I never thought I would say "Stop running over your brother with the car". Yes he is only 2.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I think that we all have days like that sometimes. I know that I have had days like that.