Friday, May 2, 2008

Boys Will Be Boys

I admit it. In our house the boys are lucky if they get baths every other day. Its usually more like 2 or 3 times a week. I can make excuses saying that they have dry skin, (which they do) and they don't get that dirty, but the truth is that most nights we are either out of the house or just being lazy and don't get around to it.

That was until the last couple weeks. All of a sudden they are dirty - all of the time. They either are caked in sand, have food all over them (even Tyler who usually hates to have food on him), or just have a grime to them. I have no idea what changed. All I know is that the boys are now taking baths everyday. And baths are usually in the middle of the day, because that's how dirty they are.

Well maybe I can think of one thing that changed - my babies have turned into boys.

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