Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Getting So Big

I don't know if it because he is in shorts and short sleeves now or if he really did have a growth spurt, but all of a sudden Carter looks so big to me. He is acting big too. It is amazing what he is picking up. He already knows some of his colors, tries to count, and loves to sing songs. He also tells us when he needs to go potty now (although I am not ready for this one - let me get one potty trained first). Carter also is now understanding time out. He knows its not a good thing, and promptly tells you sorry when its time to get out. If you ask him if you do whatever offense it was he will shake his head and in the cutest voice say no. His manners are also way up there. He always tells you thank you - even when he is asking for something. The conversation goes something like this:

Carter - milk
me - what do you say (trying to get him to say please)
Carter - dank ou

Carter has started to really love reading. Tyler has always loved to read so I am very excited to see that Carter is in to it as well. He loves to point out the pictures and even "reads" to himself sometimes. This picture is of him reading the "chicken book" or Rooster's Off to See the World. He is pointing at the fish and at the time he was trying to count them - just like Tyler and I do when we read it. He is just getting so big.

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