Thursday, May 1, 2008

Gotta Love Colorado...

Yesterday was an absolute gorgeous day with a high of 78 degrees. The boys wore shorts for the first time this year (which Tyler took awhile to get used to) and we played outside all day long. Today it is snowing. Back to the winter coats we go (at least until tomorrow). Carter is still talking up a storm and getting new words everyday. One of the ones he says the most "Taer" or Tyler. Whenever someone leave the room he always wants to know where they went. He asks this by saying "mommy go" (for example) and then lifting both arms up.

Tyler's speech is also improving leaps and bounds. He is down to speech therapy once a month now and no longer is getting OT services. He is also getting more interested in other children. We were at the mall and ran into twin girls that are in Tyler's class on Wednesdays. They got to play with each other for a bit at the play area and all Tyler wanted to do the rest of the day was see "the girls". Last night at dinner we ran into another boy who is in Tyler's class and Tyler recognized him right away and even remembered his name. I love how he remembers things we do each day now and can tell us who we played with at church and what they did together.

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