Wednesday, June 11, 2008


We have had a rough couple of days adjusting back to normal life after vacation. The boys did wonderfully on the plane ride home - which I am grateful for. Ever since we stepped off the plane its been a different story.

We have had many tantrums, not listening, yelling "no" at mommy and daddy, throwing food at restaurants, throwing shoes, toys, and anything else Carter can get his hands on, hitting, pushing and numerous time outs. On Monday I had to work and Tyler was just awful in the room. He kept running away and not listening to anyone. Even Carter came to my room crying at the end of the day - something that has never happen in the 18 months he has been in the nursery.

On Tuesday I tried to get back to our normal routine. We did have some very nice moments- a nice long walk to the "big blue mailbox" and getting a special treat at the convenience store, and some nice play time outside - with baseball and mowing the lawn as the main activities. But again not listening to word a mommy says. And the worst part of it all - Tyler has decided that he should also tell us he will go potty in 5 minutes and then just go potty wherever he is at. Not fun. No mare 5 minutes anymore.

Today has been somewhat better. Towards the end of the day at church Tyler was acting up again, but much improved from Monday. I am hoping after a couple more days they will finally be adjusted back to home and the rules at home - oh and sleeping in past 6 would be nice too.

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