Thursday, June 5, 2008

New York, New York

Justin and I put the boys down for their naps and then left for New York City on Tuesday afternoon. This is the first time we have both been away from the boys overnight since Tyler was born. I must admit that the eyes did get teary. However I knew they would be in great hands with Oma and Opa so away we went.

Justin and I did all the normal tourist things - saw Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Statue of Liberty, the Met, etc., etc. I found that I do not like driving in the city at all - I think I screamed at least 5 times - and the subway really isn't that hard to figure out. My favorite part of the whole trip would be walking thru Central Park. Our hotel was only half a block away and it was so unreal to be in loud busy chaos one moment to total serene quiet the next. Justin's favorite part was going to a Yankees game. The are tearing Yankee stadium down after this year so we had to get a game in. Personally I think its about time they got a new stadium.

The boys did great for Oma and Opa. Tyler had his usual one accident a day and they all stayed plenty busy. They saw horses, went to the park, went on walks, went to the mall, etc., etc. They also had no problems taking naps or going to bed. One night it was thundering a lot which scared Tyler, but overall they did great - although I don't think Oma and Opa would tell us otherwise anyway. While Justin and I really did enjoy our time - can you say sleeping in! - we missed the boys a lot. We actually gave up seeing David Letterman so we could put the boys to bed tonight - not sure what we were thinking. Seeing their faces when we got out of the car was priceless. It sure is nice to be missed!

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