After dinner we went and got some frozen custard and decided the boys could try it out in a cone for the first time. Tyler did better with the cone than Carter did. Tyler didn't really want to eat the cone at first, and Carter we had to put in a cup half way thru. But if their faces covered in chocolate was any indicator I would say they liked it a lot.
Today Daddy
and Opa went golfing (in 99 degree heat!) and the boys, Oma, and I went to see te horses, to a bookstore and then to lunch. The boys did not do so well with a lot of not listening and taking books off shelves. Then at lunch we let them play in the play area (after Carter had dumped water everywhere). Tyler kept crying because he kept getting scared of the climbing structure. He didn't like it if any kids got close to him. At one point I actually had to climb up and get him out of it. However even though he wasn't having fun he had a full meltdown when it was time to leave. Laying down, kicking and screaming, the works. So of course I picked him up and took him to the car. After a while Tyler was finally ready to tell me he was sorry for how he acted. Can you tell they were a little tired and ready to get back to their normal routine? Oma says she never saw this when they were with her which I was happy to hear.
The plan was to get the boys in bed early so we had an early dinner out (which they behaved much better for) and then back home. However they had another big thunderstorm so Tyler was up with me til 9 p.m. We leave bright and early tomorrow morning to go back home. We had such a great time seeing Oma and Opa. The boys are really going to miss them. Not much could have made this trip any better.
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