Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sky Sox

Last night on the spur of the moment we decided to go to a Sky Sox game. The Sky Sox are a Triple A team here in town who happen to have 2 dollar Tuesdays - can't really beat that. The boys had a great time. They ate some popcorn, shared a big pretzel with cheese of course to dip, and learned to yell "Charge!!!".

The Sky Sox's mascot is Sox the Fox. Tyler was pretty much terrified of the Fox and Carter wasn't so sure about him either. I think they kept their eyes on him, making sure he didn't get close, more than they watched the game. Tyler did happen to see one batters bat break. All he could talk about after that was how he broke his bat. There was another little boy in front of us (probably around 4 or 5) who played peekaboo with Carter. He couldn't have been happier. I was hoping we would make it to the7th inning stretch, but the game was very slow. So at 9:00 and the top of the 6th inning we headed home. Tyler can't wait to "see baseball again" and told everyone all about it at church today. Oh and he also went potty twice at the game and stayed dry the entire time! I think next time it will just be Tyler and Justin that goes, so that they can get a little one on one time. I can't wait to hear all about it from his mouth.


The Palace said...
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The Palace said...

This is a great picture of you two. Very precious. ...Except the guy behind you appears to be choking or in the early stages of vomiting.