Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tyler's Big Night

I guess this story actually starts Friday afternoon. The boys had just woken up from naps and we were playing downstairs. Tyler walked upstairs back to his room. When I asked him what he was doing I heard him say "changing my pants". Thinking he had had an accident I walk up there to find him inside his crib with his plug in his mouth (no idea why he was talking about pants). I asked him to show me how we got in there and he quickly climbed right into his crib with hardly any effort.

On Saturday morning Justin and I are listening to the boys talk over the monitor, like we do most weekend mornings. All of a sudden we hear their bedroom door open. Justin gets up to meet Tyler in the hallway saying he had to go potty. He was actually going back into his room to put his pacifier away first, then he was going to go potty. So it was decided - time for a big boy bed!

We set it up Saturday night, but since this was such a quick change that we weren't ready for, we were at Walmart at 8:45 at night looking for a bed guard to put on his bed - they don't have them. So we used pillows on the floor instead. Because it was so late and the boys were so tired, Tyler did awesome last night. He stayed in his bed until we came and got him in the morning. I was so proud of him and he looks so small in his big twin bed.

Nap time today was a little more difficult. The boys were talking for a good 30 minutes when I finally went up to check on them and thank goodness I did! I found Tyler in Carter's crib (which used to be Tyler's - yes we made Carter switch cribs too, not our best thought I don't think) with all the pillows from the floor in the crib as well covering Carter! Also in the crib were all of Tyler's blankets, stuffed animals and loveys. I immediately grab the pillows off of Carter and was happy to see him breathing and sleeping soundly. After that Tyler stayed in his crib, but it took him a good hour to actually fall asleep.

We will see how tonight goes. Tyler asked to "sleep in my crib" instead of his bed, but then got into his bed no problem. We also got bed guards today so no more pillows. We have already caught him once in Carter's crib, but I think he is getting the point of staying in his own bed. Hopefully he will still be there in the morning. Oh and during a time out today Carter tried to climb out of his crib and ended up falling, so we may doing this again in the very new future.

I can't believe my baby is already big enough to be in a big boy bed. If you know Tyler at all you know he likes his comfort items - and a big one for him is his crib. I had no plans at all to move him anytime soon. But he showed us he was ready. He really is growing up.

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