Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Double Take

It seems at least once a day I am shocked by something that Carter has said or has done. I think I forget how big he is getting until he does something or says something and I am giving a double take.

We were on our after dinner walk tonight and Carter as usual is pointing out every "shoop" or basketball hoop we see along the way. He also lets us know if they are broken or not. All of a sudden he starts saying "tars, tars mommy". Sure enough he was pointing to a star someone had above their garage. I had no clue he knew the shape of a star!
Carter has been able to open the fridge on his own for sometime. Before he wasn't allowed to get into himself because we would always catch him eating grapes right before dinner or right before bed leaving the fridge wide open. Recently we have let him go and get his water from the fridge himself. Whenever he goes and gets his water he also always gets Tyler's water too - can't leave anyone out. And if Tyler is gone - Carter will get me a cup of water instead.

At church my classroom is usually the first out on the playground. Carter's class is usually next and he always come running to me. Today (Tyler's first day not in my class) he comes running to me and immediately - with a concerned look on his face - asks "where's Yler" As soon as Tyler and I picked Carter up from his class he runs out of the room and runs to Tyler giving him a big hug, followed closely behind a hug for me.

And I am left giving double takes of the little boy before me.

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