Monday, August 18, 2008

Weekend in Montrose

On Friday morning we packed up the car and headed to Montrose to see Grandma and Grandpa. The boys, as always, did excellent on the car ride there. They took a nap for about an hour of the drive and sang songs and talked for the other 3.5. The boys had a blast playing with their cousins and watching the Olympics on the big screen. I didn't take a single picture unfortunately, but the boys just loves their cousins!

Tyler woke up at 4:30 on Saturday morning and then woke up Carter at 5:30 - way to early. Justin was golfing with Grandpa and Uncle Boyd so Grandma and I took the boys for a walk. Griffin came along on his bike. Tyler wanted to run so I let him run ahead on the sidewalk with Griffin. On the way back to the house I let him do the same, this time he got way ahead of me. By the time I caught up to him he was pacing back and forth in the driveway of the house up from Grandma and Grandpa's. I then noticed Griffin's bike was back at Grandma and Grandpa's. When I finally got to Tyler (it took me a while since Carter had now decided he didn't want to walk anymore and was throwing a fit) he was balling and saying "Griffin gone". I felt horrible. However he got even more upset when I made him come inside instead of getting to play outside - can you tell he was a little tired.

He played some baseball on the deck while we waited for daddy to get home - we had quite a few more meltdowns and the boys were very tired, but we wanted to take them swimming. So once daddy got back off to the pool we went. We stayed in the indoor pool, as outside was just a bit to cool. The boys loved playing in the water and fell asleep the moment we got in the car to head back to the house. The took wonderful naps too!

Late Saturday night Justin's cousin and her daughter got into town. The boys slept much better that night and we hung out with them Sunday morning In the late afternoon we headed back home. Once again the boys did great in the car. Tyler stayed dry both ways and we hardly heard any complaining. So far today hasn't been as bad transition either. The boys are very excited to see Grandma and Grandpa again in a few weeks when they come here.

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