Sunday, August 24, 2008

All Grown's Up

I seem to say it a lot but everyday I see how much both of the boys are growing up. Sure they still have their moments. Carter is still the tantrum king and Tyler enjoys pretending to be a baby lately, but for the majority of the day I am amazed at the things they do and the way they act.

We went to the park the other night. Carter climbed on every single piece of equipment all by himself. My heart stopped a couple times as I saw him climb ladders that are so far above my head that I can't reach him. However he seemed to do them effortlessly. We went to dinner tonight and Carter drank out of the straw cup instead of his sippy. He didn't spill a single drop.

Bath time has always been hard for Tyler. He hates having water poured on his head. He got a little better through the occupational therapy where he would just cry during the actual pouring (instead of screaming and insisting to get out of the bath). Tonight Justin put soap in his hair. He then moved over to Carter to put the soap in his hair. At that time Tyler grabbed the cup and poured the water on his head - rinsing his own his hair! He repeated this step three more times. Justin did one final rinse without a sound from Tyler. Also today at nap time he stayed in his underwear and kept them totally dry. What a big boy he has become!

On Friday we were outside playing as usual. Tyler then starting bringing me flowers. Carter followed suit bringing me some grass. My first bouquet from my boys - and how beautiful it is. They are growing up.

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