Monday, September 15, 2008

At It Again

Carter wants to do everything Tyler does...and I mean everything. Lately he has been requesting to go to the potty every time Tyler does, and he goes. At church when they tell him they need to change his diaper he says "no I go potty". So we have been taking him more and about 50% of the time he goes. About 75% of the time when he needs to poop he tells us and then goes in the potty. At church when they bring him he wants to go so badly he says "no mess in diaper" and doesn't want to get up until he goes. I am going slower with Carter, as I am thinking this may just be a quick phase. He is in pull-ups, other wised known as glorified diapers. However it makes it easier and he is proud of them. I don't see us going to underwear for a while. Oma mentioned to me that hopefully Carter doesn't think potty training also means getting a big boy bed - I didn't even think of that and agreed. I like him in his crib.

Then tonight happened. We put the boys to bed and not 2 minutes later we heard the door open. It was Tyler and we put him back to bed. A minute later we hear him out of his bed again. Justin goes up there to find Tyler in his bed and Carter out of his crib. I go up there and ask Carter to show me how he got out. He quickly climbed out like he had done it a hundred times before. The boys thought it was so funny that Carter could get out. One time Justin went up there Carter was sitting in Tyler's bed and they were talking. After about 3 more trips up there putting Carter back in bed (he even came out of the room a couple of times) they both finally went to sleep. This is something I totally wasn't ready for. Time to convert the crib to the toddler bed I guess. Carter sure is trying to keep up with Tyler as best as he can.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cribs are definitely nice for keeping little ones put. Carissa was out of a crib by 16 months and Gabe was out a couple of months before he turned two.