Thursday, September 4, 2008

Favorite Things

Its been a little bit of a tough week. For the most part the boys have been doing very well. But on Tuesday Tyler decided he wouldn't take a nap and Carter has seem to have more tantrums lately. He also decided that he doesn't want to sit on his naughty step any more. Combine that with the fact that the last few times we have been out to eat the boys weren't the best listeners, I decided I should remember some of the things the boys do that make me smile instead of cringe.
  • Tyler is becoming such a great big brother. We were at the park and both of the boys were climbing up to a slide. There was an older boy, maybe 6, climbing down the same structure. The older kid just touched Carter on the head, not hard at all. Tyler immediately says "no, don't hit Carter". He said this in a very nice tone tho, not a yelling or bossy tone. The boy asked "his name is Car?" Tyler responds "no its Carter". I was so proud of him. He stood up for his little brother and besides that he took the initiative to talk to a kid he didn't know - a big step for Tyler - for his little brother.
  • Carter is also talking up a storm now. My favorite thing with Carter is to ask him questions. He always responds, even if he is in the middle of a tantrum and screaming. It is absolutely adorable.
  • Carter is beginning to pretend play more. In their play kitchen there is a fridge with a ice maker on the door. He loves to get his cup, fill it up with water on the fridge and give us drinks. The best part of this is that we don't have a ice maker on our real fridge. Tyler would always pretend to get water from the sink. I have no idea how Carter figured it out, but I love that he did.
  • This is probably something I should try to put a stop to, but I must admit I love it so for now I am going with it. Tyler has been waking up very early lately - usually around 6:15. I wake up to something and there he is looking at me. Instead of making him go back to bed (where he would most likely just wake up Carter) I bring him to bed with me. We cuddle and doze for a while til Tyler gets restless. Then we read books and cuddle some more. While I would rather him sleep in and stay in his room, I do love this time with him.
  • The boys seem to get along better everyday. Of course we have to occasional fight over a toy or one of them hits the other one, but those seem to be decreasing everyday. They can't get enough of each other. As soon as Tyler hears Carter he stops whatever we are doing and jumps off the bed and runs to go get him. If Tyler is going to the bathroom, or just go upstairs, Carter needs to know where Tyler is at all times. They are two peas in a pod.
  • I almost forgot one of my all time favorites! I was in a grumpy mood and needed a break from the boys. Justin was home, but Tyler only wanted me. I told him to go find his daddy. He goes over to Justin, but then looks back at me and says "guess what". I asked him "what" with a sigh. He responds " I love you!". Couldn't be grumpy after that!

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