Monday, September 15, 2008

Brush, Brush, Brush Your Teeth

Tyler had his dentist appointment today and it went fairly well. We read some books in the waiting room and he seemed to love having just Mommy and Tyler time. When they called us back I went with him (they usually request that the parents stay in the waiting room). He sat in the dentist chair where he seemed so small, however he didn't make a single complaint.

Then they put the chair back. Tyler didn't like this at all. He did a little whimpering but with my help we managed to get his front teeth cleaned. By the time we got to his back teeth he was opening his mouth for the hygienist. She put his seat back up while we waited for the dentist. Tyler then told me he was all done. I convinced him to stay put and the dentist finally came. She laid him back once more and he did a little crying. She probably took less than a minute looking at his teeth, so at least it was quick. He has no cavities and his teeth look good. She did ask if Tyler used a pacifier or sucked him thumb. I told her that he uses it for naps and bedtimes and with his sensory stuff he is always chewing on something. She told me to do what we needed to do for him and if nothing else we will get him braces later. I have no plans of taking it away. Tyler happily went and got a toy and loved that he got new toothpaste. I am hoping he will finally learn to spit it out so he can use fluoride toothpaste. All in all a good appointment! To celebrate Tyler and I went to Michales to get the last of the stuff for his birthday cake - that was the best prize ever.

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