Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Tyler!

Three! Three years ago our lives changed. Three years ago we didn't have any idea how blessed we would be. Three years ago we didn't have the laughter, the entertainment, and the joy you bring us. Tyler, you are what made me a mommy and daddy a daddy. Because of that you will always have a special place in our hearts. The past three years have gone by so fast and you have become such an incredible boy.

You can do so many things now on your own. You dress yourself, you sleep in a big boy bed, you go potty, you feed yourself, and even get your own drinks. You can even buckle your own car seat now! You love to help out – always willing to feed the dog, get daddy his keys, phone, and wallet (and even sodas out of the fridge), and always watching out for your little brother.

And what a great big brother you are. The highlights of my day are watching you two interact. Carter looks up to you so much, and you are trying so hard to be a good example to him. I love it when you help him with a puzzle, or help him get some water. But my favorite times are when you run to him on the playground or to his crib when you first hear him wake up. I love that your best friend in the whole world is your brother.

Tyler you have grown so much in the past year. You had a few obstacles this year, but you overcame every single one of them. You went from barely putting two words together to speaking in paragraphs. You love to ask questions and then tell us the answers. You went from the boy who got so overwhelmed that all he could do was squeeze and bite, to a boy that can use his words and calm himself down –without any help. You are working hard every day at having self control and you ask to take naps just to calm yourself down. You have erased every label that anyone has ever tried to give you.

I love how you observe everything and anything. The things you pick up astound me on a daily basis – like that bunnies eat carrots and God would be sad if you lost your toes. You do it all on your schedule. When you feel like you have the confidence to do something that’s when you do it. And when you do it, it’s usually close to perfect. Baby I hope you always have that spirit.

Your imagination never ceases to amaze me. From being a fire fighter who helps people, to the football mad, to the baseball player, to the daddy wolf I love all of you. I love how you love to wrestle with daddy and how you love to cuddle with me. But then you are also just fine with playing by yourself, building towers,reading books, playing with your trucks, or throwing your ball around. And as hard as it is to see you become three years old, knowing that my baby is no longer a baby, I am so proud of the boy you have become. I cannot wait to see how much you will grow this year and how you will blow away any expectations of you once again. I love you my sunshine, my bug, my Tyler.

1 comment:

IdleMindOfBeth said...

Happy Birthday Tyler!

(and Mer, your post made me all sniffly! so sweet!)